Freitag, April 17, 2009

Michael Bay versucht sich an "kleinerem" Film

Wer mal wieder etwas schmunzeln möchte, der sollte sich folgende Aussage von Michael Bay auf der Zunge zergehen lassen, die man zusammengefasst auf slashfilm lesen kann:

Action director Michael Bay tells MTV that he would like to take a year off before making Transformers 3 and that he “might do a small movie in-between.” But the definition of small is relative, and Bay’s normal is gigantic. The untitled dark comedy project is based on a true story, which Bay describes as “a ‘Pulp Fiction’-type of movie.”

Anyone have any ideas which script Bay has in his sights? I can’t even imagine Bay doing something other than an action movie, but a comedy definitely makes the most sense because mainstream America has always responded well to the comedy in his films.

Auf Helikopter, die im Sonnenuntergang und in Zeitlupte durchs Bild fliegen, wird er doch nicht etwas verzichten können? ;)

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