Montag, März 30, 2009

Eastern Promises Sequel geplant?

Wie die Jungs auf Firstshowing berichten, scheint David Cronenberg ernsthaft an einem Sequel zu seinem 2007er Eastern Promises interessiert zu sein und sowohl Drehbuchautor Steven Knight wie auch Hauptdarsteller Viggo Mortensen sollen wohl mit an Bord sein. Auch wenn aktuell noch kein Drehbuch existiert, werde man sich zusammensetzen und die ganze Sache einmal beraten.

Who would've guessed that a sequel to David Cronenberg's 2007 thriller Eastern Promises would actually happen. Of course, there is a bit of a twist ending, but I never thought that meant we'd ever see a sequel. Cronenberg spoke with MTV recently and confirmed that "we are moving forward with it." He also adds that not only will he be back, but so will screenwriter Steven Knight as well as Viggo Mortensen, who was nominated for an Oscar for his performance as Nikolai. While he says that it's moving forward, they don't have a script yet. "We are going to have a meeting very soon… to discuss what the script would be."

Cronenberg goes on to say that this is "the first time I've ever been in a situation where I actually want to do a sequel to something." He adds, "I've never had the desire to do that before. But in this case, I thought we had unfinished business with those characters. I didn't feel that we had finished with Nikolai and we had done a lot of research that was more than we could stuff into that one movie." As for that story, Cronenberg says, "I have some very strong ideas about what I would like to see," adding that, "if all goes well, Steve goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it." Cronenberg did say that the sequel would definitely be about the character of Nikolai again, and might include the supporting cast if it works out.

Cronenberg is currently working on preparing to shoot The Matarese Circle for MGM, with Tom Cruise and Denzel Washington set to star. We're not sure what else Cronenberg has in the works after The Matarese Circle, but if this comes together soon, it's likely we'll see this Eastern Promises sequel within a few years. Although I wasn't particularly a fan of the film, I'm sure this will be exciting news to all those who were. I'm especially intrigued by Cronenberg's desire to make this his first sequel, and if he gets everyone back, this could be as good if not better than the original. We'll let you know when we hear more on this!

In meinen Augen ist das eine tolle Nachricht, da ich mir durchaus vorstellen kann, dass das Trio noch einmal zu einem größeren Wurf fähig ist. Da fällt mir ein, ich muss mir Eastern Promises unbedingt noch ein weiteres Mal anschauen...

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