Mittwoch, November 19, 2008

Dritter Fockers Teil - De Niro wohl wieder mit an Bord

When bad movie ideas hit the wire and then seemingly dissolve into thin air, there's a chance to breathe that sigh of relief over what could have happened, but didn't. Unfortunately, sometimes months or even years later, we're slapped with the news that silence doesn't necessarily mean death, and that our worst nightmares are coming true.

Fox News has "released" word that a sequel to Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers is happening. We already knew that was the case, since it was confirmed last year, but the news piece does add to it -- Blythe Danner and Robert De Niro are returning. This means that last year's news wasn't a dream, and that Ben Stiller hasn't forgotten about it, no matter what other projects he is busying himself with. We are getting more Fockers. We just don't know if Babs and Dustin are in for the ride as well.

Not that it matters. There are those that love the original, and those who actually like the sequel more, but can't we all agree that a third installment is pushing it. I mean, what're they going to do? Have Gaylord actually try milking a cat for his kid? Do any of you actually want to see that? Are you eager for more Focker hijinx?
Quelle: Cinematical Ich bin ja wirklich ein Fan von Robert De Niro, was in den vergangenen Jahren eher schmerzhaft als labend war und so sehe ich es natürlich nicht so gern, dass er wohl wieder in einer dieser seichten Rollen aufläuft, die wenig zu seinem Talent passen. Ich hoffe, er bringt seine anderen Projekte, geplant sind ja angeblich Kollaborationen mit Michael Mann und seinem Kumpel Scorsese, auch noch unter Dach und Fach und kehrt zu seiner Spitzenform zurück, die wir alle so an ihm lieben.

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