Freitag, Februar 16, 2007

Tyrone Power: The Swashbuckler Box Set

Nachdem Warner/TCM schon ihr Katharine Hepburn Set für Mai angekündigt haben, legt Fox Home Entertainment nach und präsentiert ebenfalls eine themenbezogene Box zu einem großen Schauspieler vergangener Tage: Tyrone Power: The Swashbuckler Box Set. Dieses, ab dem 01.05. in den Regalen stehende Set, wird sechs Filme Powers aus den 40er und 50er Jahren beinhalten, die größtenteils zu den Mantel- und Degenfilmen gezählt werden können. Mit dabei sind:

The Black Rose - Die schwarze Rose
  • Widescreen presentation
  • English Stereo sound, as well as Spanish & French Mono sound
  • English & Spanish subtitles
  • Tyrone Power biography
  • Photo gallery
  • Trailer

Blood and Sand - König der Toreros
  • Full screen presentation
  • English Stereo sound, as well as Spanish & French Mono sound
  • English & Spanish subtitles
  • Commentary by cinematographer Richard Crudo
  • Restoration comparison

Captain from Castile - Der Hauptmann von Kastilien
  • Full screen presentation
  • English Stereo sound, as well as Spanish & French Mono sound
  • English & Spanish subtitles
  • Commentary by film historians Rudy Behlmer, Jon Burlingame and Nick Redman
  • “The Leading Ladies” featurette
  • Photo gallery
  • Trailer

Prince of Foxes - In den Klauen des Borgia
  • Full screen presentation
  • English Stereo sound, as well as Spanish & French Mono sound
  • English & Spanish subtitles
  • Isolated score and FX track
  • Movietone News: “Tyrone Power Weds Linda Christian in Rome Ceremony”
  • Photo gallery
  • Trailer

Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake - Abenteuer in der Südsee
  • Full screen presentation
  • English Stereo sound, as well as Spanish Spanish & French Mono sound
  • English & Spanish subtitles
  • Isolated score
  • Photo gallery
  • Trailer
Bzgl. der Extras herrscht noch etwas Durcheinander. So gibt es Berichte, dass Son of Fury noch einen Audiokommentar enthalten soll. Gleichzeitig sollen drei Filme den isolierten Score enthalten. Bei der bisherigen Ankündigung ist dies jedoch nur bei zwei Werken explizit erwähnt. Zum Thema isolierte Scores gibt es noch folgende Neuigkeiten von Nick Redman, Chef der Klassikabteilung bei Fox:

Actually, three of the films will have isolated scores (also C from C), and don't worry, they aren't the foreign tracks. This is an experiment we are conducting with Fox Home Ent, to see whether or not the DVD-buying public will enjoy having music-related extras. The isolated scores, wherever possible, will include the slates, intros, count-ins, and composer comments to the orchestra, as well as often having accompanying audio commentaries, and on occasion, composer-themed featurettes. We hope that the inclusion of the slates, etc, will give the listener a sense of being present at the sessions, and make it a very different experience from a CD, and the titles will range all over the map from the 40s to the 80s. "M&E" tracks appear sometimes, in the absence of other sources. (The missing music from P of F for example, is derived from there.) The effectiveness of this new program won't be known for a year or so--we are currently in production on more than a dozen titles for 2007-2008, but hopefully it will prove popular enough to remain a regular component of not all, but many, classic films. It is just another way that Fox, the most forward-thinking studio in terms of music preservation, is making its history available to those who might be interested.

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